Still Looking for a Teaching Job? Follow this Checklist
Teaching is the dream profession of many young graduates. It gives them a chance to be heard and share their knowledge with others. It’s a great profession for those who have leadership skills and want to be social. If you have applied to a number of teaching positions and still haven’t become successful, here’s a checklist for you:
Consider moving
Instead of limiting your job search to your neighboring schools and colleges, send the applications to big schools even if they are far away. If you get selected, you can always move to another city. After all, a job at a premiere college or school will be a great move for your career.
Make sure you have your resume, cover letter, and other documents ready. Proofread your resume several times to make sure it does not have any mistakes.
Be available on social networks
Your presence on social media networks like LinkedIn can help you build connections. If you are connected to administrators from colleges and schools, there are chances that they will prefer you over others when it’s time to hire.
Attend job fairs
Attend the job fairs held at your alma mater along with those at the neighboring colleges and universities. You have better chances of being selected at your alma mater than the others.
Prepare for the interview
There are some questions that are asked frequently. For example, “what can you bring to this school” and “how do you plan to influence the students”. Come up with witty and professional answers for these questions.
Share vignettes
Be open during the interview and share some positive vignettes about your previous experiences. These could include student achievements, classroom management, and unique teaching methodologies that you follow.
Sometimes the college or school might take extra time in hiring. If you follow up using emails, there are higher chances of you being hired. When you email them, state again that you would love to work with them.
Stay positive
It’s a tough economy but teaching positions keep opening every now and then in various schools and colleges. Don’t give up hope and you’ll soon bag a great teaching job.
That’s it for now Busy Educator.
Until next time, Talk to each other, support each other, take care of each other.’
Click here to learn the simple strategies I used to get my dream teaching job
Learn how to:
Acquire the skills to get the teaching job you want
Learn valuable research techniques for the teaching market
Confidently ace your teacher interview
Understand what principals are looking for in teacher candidates
Create a unique teacher interview
Get your resume and cover letter read by the right people
Nervous before your interview? Does your mind go blank after an interview question you’ve never heard before? Check this resource now for tips and strategies:
Tags: application, classroom, dream teaching, full time, interview, job, kids, lesson plan, professional development, school, special education, students, teacher, Teaching, teaching jobs, time
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