Teaching Is…: Moments that inspire and Motivate Teachers to Make a Difference is a book that gives new meaning to the concept of the “teachable moment”.
This collection of personal and inspirational affirmations are guaranteed to connect with anyone who has dedicated their lives to students in a classroom.
For every educator who has felt frustrated, unappreciated, and overwhelmed, Teaching Is… reinforces the power of teachers to inspire, motivate, and make a difference.
This book is for every educator at any stage of their career. For parents and students who wish to acknowledge and thank the dedicated teachers who have made an impact with their caring guidance, Teaching Is… is the perfect and lasting gift. Read. Enjoy. And share it with those who have made a difference in your life.
It’s the perfect year end gift for teachers.
Available on Amazon. Click here for more information: https://amzn.to/2Xpyluj
Tags: best end of year teacher gifts, end of school year teacher gifts, end of the year teacher gifts, end of year teacher gifts, motivation, school principal. teacher gift ideas, students, teacher gift books, teachers
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