Saturday, November 17, 2012
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Once again, Niagara Bound Tours is offering a public tour of the Underground Railroad sites in the Niagara region. The history here is rich and plentiful.
Come and join a tour which is informative and interesting with many sites to see. Sites included in tour are the landing point of Josiah Henson, the character used in the book “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, the church attended by Harriet Tubman, grave of Anthony Burns and much, much more.
The tour is conducted by a descendant of a Freedom Seeker that came from Kentucky around the time of the Fugitive Slave Act.
Hear the stories and the history of these remarkable people who escaped slavery for freedom and the people that assisted them.
Cost per person is $40.00. Reservations required. Location to meet will be given once you are registered.
Bring your lunch or order a bagged lunch from Niagara Bound Tours for $10.00 each.
Deadline for reservations November 10, 2013!
To register call 905-685-5375 or email
Also, keep in mind that next year is the 100th anniversary of Harriet Tubman’s passing. It is my hope that people will use 2013 to begin to learn more about this remarkable woman, continue to learn more, and introduce others to this wonderful history!
I will be running more public tours in 2013 (schedule to follow).
Hope to see you on tour! Thank you for your helping in letting others know about this tour. Really appreciate your assistance.
Stay well.
Lezlie (Harper Wells)
P.O. Box 23033
St. Catharines, ON L2R 1R0
(905) 685-5375 (new website)
Tags: Underground Railway
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