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The Busy Educator Audio Collection

The most comprehensive collection of quality audiobooks
we've ever developed!

Listen as North America's most respected educators and speakers describe the principles that have gained them the respect and admiration of thousands.

Ultimate Audio SeriesDr. Gary Page
The strategies and skills you’ll discover in this audio session will empower you to reverse the thinking that has limited your growth.

The Back To School Interview
Marjan Glavac, Paul Jackson and Joe Martin spend an hour and a half answering the most common teacher generated questions.

Brian Walsh
Author of Unleashing Your Brilliance, Brian Walsh describes brain-friendly learning, how the conscious and sub-conscious interact during learning, damaging things that some teachers say, enhance learning an much much more.

Laurie M. Skilling
Laurie describes how to deal with difficult scenarios including: students with major depressive disorder, students with Tourette’s Syndrome, students with OCD Obsessive Compulsory Disorder, and more. Over 1 hour of succinct strategies to reach students facing these difficult hurdles.

Mike Litman
“You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.” Mike Litman talks about this and it’s so important for ‘closet” perfectionist teachers like myself or anyone else to move through the thinking that kills productivity and hampers your success.

Rob Poulos
Find out about Rob’s “”7 Forbidden Secrets of Permanent Fat Loss and Fitness”. Rob is internationally recognized for his work in this area and will make a difference in how you approach health and wellness.

Adam Waxler
The "Getting Hired Guru" tells all. Adam describes the biggest “tip” for actually getting a teacher interview at the school you want. How important are resumes and cover letters in terms of getting the interview and actually getting the job itself? What are a couple of the most common questions you’ll hear at every interview and more importantly, what is the right way to answer these questions?



The back To School Lecture
Brian Walsh Summary - click here







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